Info about Absol Bot 2.0
Absol Bot 2.0 is a discord multi-purpose bot that has:
Utility,Moderation,Fun and Economy
You might need this bot if you want to customize your server and keep your members busy. So what are you waiting for? If you are interested with this text you might as well invite it and test it out yourself! You can also join my server (button on the top right) to see every update Absol Bot 2.0 will have in the future. Once you have invited it type "a!help" .You should got DMed the picture on the bottom. Then type "a!help 1-5" (depending on which page you want to know) and look at other commands!
Have Fun PokeTrainers!
Type a!help
You should get DMed
With this
After that you can type a!help 1-5 (depending on what you want to do) and get started!
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Just a test to see if this still works
owh i see
a wild writerr is talking to a writerr. Writerr hurts itself in confusion!
for what is this???