Info about Absol Bot 2.0

Absol Bot 2.0 is a discord multi-purpose bot that has:
Utility,Moderation,Fun and Economy

You might need this bot if you want to customize your server and keep your members busy. So what are you waiting for? If you are interested with this text you might as well invite it and test it out yourself! You can also join my server (button on the top right) to see every update Absol Bot 2.0 will have in the future. Once you have invited it type "a!help" .You should got DMed the picture on the bottom. Then type "a!help 1-5" (depending on which page you want to know) and look at other commands!

Have Fun PokeTrainers!

Type a!help

You should get DMed

With this

After that you can type a!help 1-5 (depending on what you want to do) and get started!

Info About Me

I have first started using discord in 2016-2017. I joined some servers that I thinked looked cool and thought to myself “Why not create one myself?” so I did. My first ever server was a non pokemon server aka “My Main One”. Alot of people create “Main Servers” so I did as well. The first bot I ever used was Pokecord. Back then I had no idea what some pokemons are called. So…. I had to google them. After a while I decided to play pokemon games myself. The first pokemon game I played was “Pokemon Ruby”. Surprisingly that made me learn a whole bunch of other pokemon names. And soon enough I managed to know half of them. Some people called me the “Pokecord Pro”. When Pokecord was deleted I felt extremely sad. Legendaries/Mythicals just wasted. Before Pokecord was deleted I had a dream. To create my own discord bot. I first started with sites that didn’t really help. Some wouldn’t let me invite bots to other servers etc. But then I found the perfect app. An app that lets you do literally anything you want. But there is a twist. Because the app is so good you have to watch ads to increase your bot online time. Each ad was 90 minutes. But I had no other choice. Here we are now. With Absol Bot 2.0. Now some of you might be asking.

Why is it called Absol Bot “2.0”?

Here is the answer: I had another bot which was just called “Absol Bot” but when discord asked me my age I replied with 13 years old. Because I thought like most apps “It would probably access me for granted”. Not quite. I got banned from discord and after that joke I did I had to do everything again. Everything. So I did. And now Absol Bot 2.0 Is Better than ever.

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Just a test
4 years ago

Just a test to see if this still works

5 years ago

owh i see

tottaly not a writerr again
5 years ago


5 years ago

a wild writerr is talking to a writerr. Writerr hurts itself in confusion!

5 years ago

for what is this???

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